
Showing posts from July, 2016

Brazilian police confiscate drugs with Olympic logo

Brazilian police confiscate drugs with Olympic logo. RIO DE JANEIRO: The  Brazilian police  has confiscated a shipment of cocaine and crack wrapped in plastic bags, bearing the Olympic rings and the logo of the Rio 2016, sources said.  The drugs were found on Tuesday in a house in the central neighbourhood of Lapa in Rio de Janeiro, including 93 doses of cocaine, 28 of crack and 13 40-calibre bullets, the use of which Brazil has outlawed,  Xinhua  news agency reported.  Beyond the Olympic logos, some of the drugs were also wrapped in bags featuring the logo of a well-known drink brand.

6 best open source material web design frameworks

6 best open source material web design frameworks Are you building websites or mobile apps without any of the handy material design frameworks? Then it is important that you use at least one of them and speed up your design workflow with the best material design compliant user interfaces. Back in 2014, Google released the first of these frameworks to standardize the design of Chrome OS, Android apps, and even iOS apps. The guidelines set standards for developers and designers, especially in the open source design and development world. The Material design has since then risen in popularity and has transformed the look and feel of the web world. Web designers have started using material design CSS and different components for diverse projects while the biggest designing companies have tried to use material design guidelines for shortening the design life cycle. Using a material design framework can get you ready with material design-compliant CSS and spare yourself from ha...

Google: Search Console

Google: Search Console What is Google Search Console? Google Search Console  is a collection of tools and resources to help website owners, webmasters, web marketers and SEO professionals monitor website performance in the Google search index. Features include information about search appearance, search traffic, technical status updates, crawl data and additional educational resources. Google Search Console was formerly known as Google Webmaster Central and then Google Webmaster Tools until taking the current name in 2015. Read our How To Guides and tips for using Google Webmaster tools, along with the latest news and feature updates below:

Google: There is no PageRank dilution when using 301, 302, or 30x redirects anymore

Google's Gary Illyes confirms that any 301, 302, 3xx redirect does not lose any PageRank value. Gary Illyes, a Google webmaster trends analyst,  said  yesterday that using a 301, 302 or 30x redirect of any kind will not result in a loss of PageRank, that there is no PageRank dilution. Back in 2010, we reported that there is some PageRank dilution when you use a 301 or other form of 30x redirect. But in 2013, Google’s Matt Cutts said 301 redirects don’t lose value. Matt Cutts said then, “The amount of PageRank that dissipates through a 301 is currently identical to the amount of PageRank that dissipates through a link.” Of course, here Matt was not talking about anything but a 301 redirect, but maybe 302 redirects did lose value. John Mueller of Google did say the same thing earlier this year, but many SEOs honestly did not believe him. Gary Illyes must have checked with the engineers and tweeted that line to remove doubt. But still, there are man...

The definitive SEO audit part 3 of 3: Off-site

In the final installment of his three-part series on how to conduct a thorough SEO audit, columnist Dave Davies talks about assessing off-site factors and addressing the issues found therein. In the final installment of his three-part series on how to conduct a thorough SEO audit, columnist Dave Davies talks about assessing off-site factors and addressing the issues found therein. Dave Davies  on July 27, 2016 at 10:30 am MORE Disclaimer:  Every situation is unique. This outline of the elements of an off-site SEO audit discusses the common first points I look at with unpenalized sites when I’m looking to enhance their profiles. If you have a penalty or other serious issues, these points are not exhaustive and will not cover all the areas you will need to research or methods to employ. Over the past two months, we’ve pieced together an SEO audit strategy with the first two parts of a three-part series. Today, we’ll be completing the s...

I'm Warning You, Don't Read this Article. It's a Federal Crime!

I'm Warning You, Don't Read this Article. It's a Federal Crime!   Thursday, July 14, 2016     Yes, you heard it right. If I tell you not to visit my website, but you still visit it knowing you are disapproved, you are committing a federal crime, and I have the authority to sue you. Wait! I haven't disapproved you yet. Rather I'm making you aware of a new court decision that may trouble you and could have big implications going forward. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has taken a  critical decision  on the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA): Companies can seek civil and criminal penalties against people who access or visit their websites without their permission. Even Sharing Password is also a Federal Crime... Yes, a similar weird decision was taken last week when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  ruled  that sharing passwords can be a violation of the CFAA, making Millions of people who share their passw...
3 Popular Drupal Modules Found Vulnerable — Patch Released   Thursday, July 14, 2016     Just yesterday, I wrote a warning article announcing that Drupal – the popular open source content management system – will release patches for several highly critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) bugs that could allow attackers to fully take over any affected site. Below are the three separate Drupal modules that affect up to 10,000 websites: 1. RESTful Web Services  – a popular module used for creating REST APIs, which is currently installed on at least 5,804 websites. The  vulnerability in RESTWS  alters the default page callbacks for entities to provide additional functionality, allowing attackers to "send specially crafted requests resulting in arbitrary PHP execution." Since anonymous users can exploit this vulnerability and there isn't any mitigating factor, users are advised to patch their websites as soon as possible. Admins using RES...

DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million

DARPA Challenges Hackers to Create Automated Hacking System — WIN $2 Million   Wednesday, July 13, 2016   Why we can’t detect all security loopholes and patch them before hackers exploit them? Because... we know that humans are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs, which is why vulnerabilities like Heartbleed, POODLE and GHOST remained undetected for decades and rendered almost half of the Internet vulnerable to theft by the time patches were rolled out. Now to solve this hurdle, DARPA has come up with an idea: To build a smart Artificial Intelligence System that will automatically detect and even patch security flaws in a system. Isn't it a revolutionary idea for Internet Security? The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has  selected seven teams  of finalists who will face off in a historic battle, as each tries to defend themselves and find out flaws without any human control. The  DARPA Cyber...