
Showing posts from March, 2016


OUR WEBSITE DESIGNING & DEVELOPING PLANS 2000/- BASIC PLAN Upto 5 Pages Image Simple Gallery Flash Banner No Blog No HTML Based Pages Visitor Counter Yes SEO BASIC Membership Website Maintenance 1 Hour (Every Month) Mobile Friendly Website SIGN UP 4000/- STANDARD PLAN Upto 7 Pages Image Slide Show Flash Banner Yes Blog No PHP Based Pages Visitor Counter Yes SEO ANY Membership IF required Website Maintenance 1 Hour (Every Month) Mobile Friendly Website Dynamic+Editing Facility SIGN UP 8000/- BUSINESS PLAN Upto 12 Pages Image Slide Show Flash Banner Yes Blog Yes PHP Based Pages Visitor Counter Yes SEO ANY Membership Yes Website Maintenance 1 Hour (Every Month) Mobile Friendly Website Dynamic+Editing Facility+Management Software SIGN UP 15000/- E-COMMERCE PLAN Unlimited Pages Image Slide Show Flash Banner Yes Blog Yes PHP Based Pages Visitor Counter Yes SEO ANY Membership Yes Website Maintenance 1 Hour (Every ...

How to embed the contact form in your web pages

This page shows you how to embed the contact form (see the  free contact forms from HTML Form Guide ) in a web page. Different methods are shown; you can decide which the best is, for you. Using IFrame Using Iframe is the easiest way to embed the form in your web page. Iframe lets you create a box on your web page whose contents are loaded from another URL. Here is a sample iframe code: < iframe src = '/contact/contactus.php' frameborder = '0' width = '100%' height = '600' allowtransparency = 'true' ></ iframe > Update the src attribute with the URL path to your contact form. In order to avoid scrollbar from appearing, you can adjust the value of the ‘height’ attribute. Including a header and footer in the contact form page Another way to embed the contact form is to have a common header and footer across your website. You can include the header and footer in the contactform.php. This method allows you...

Simfatic Forms: HTML form generator tool

Hand-coding HTML forms using the common web design tools used to be a long and cumbersome process. HTML code for the form is just one part of the whole web form. You need the server side processing script as well. Simfatic Forms  is a tool that fills this gap. You can design the web form using the visual editor. No coding is required. Simfatic Forms generates all the required code ( The HTML code and the server side processing script). Easy to follow, step-by-step interface Simfatic Forms has a step-by step interface. This allows you to concentrate on one task at a time and takes away all the complexities of creating your web form. Design your form using the visual editor Simfatic Forms has a visual editor. The visual editor gives you the maximum flexibility in designing your web form. You can place and align the form elements in any way you want. All types of form elements (like text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons ) are supported. In addition, components like Calcul...